The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE) is a regional network that provides research support to South Asian researchers and institutions interested in the inter-connections among development, natural resource use and the environment. SANDEE is currently inviting concept notes for policy research on Managing Environmental Changes. Selected concept notes will lead to an invitation to submit full research proposals that will be further reviewed for grant consideration.
Major Themes
SANDEE requests research concept notes in three prioritized areas:
Priority Considerations
Please review the guidelines and upload the concept note here. SANDEE will accept proposals throughout the year. For any additional queries, please contact us at
Research Call Brochure
SANDEE's mission is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions to undertake research on the inter-linkages among economic development, poverty, and environmental changeand to disseminate practical information that can be applied to development policies.
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Bangladesh | |
Bhutan | |
India | |
Maldives | |
Nepal | |
Pakistan | |
Sri Lanka |