Erin O. Sills, editor of "REDD+ On the Ground" and Professor of Forest Economics, Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, NC State University/CIFOR gave a plenary presentation at SANDEE's Biannual Research and Training Workshop on learning from REDD+ pilots.
REDD+, a leading near term instrument for global climate change mitigation, is being implemented in pilot form worldwide in order to demonstrate its viability. More than 300 pilots are ongoing at sub-national levels. Prof. Sills discussed lessons from a study undertaken by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in 23 sites in 6 countries to test REDD+. These sites had well-defined boundaries, were all sub-national initiatives, and were in diverse areas with varying degrees of deforestation. The viability of REDD+ strategies were examined by matching REDD+ sites with counterfactuals, selected by applying various matching techniques, including synthetic matching. The pilots suggest that: REDD+ programs devoted significant effort to clarifying and securing forest land tenure; few offered conditional incentives; nearly all restricted use of forest land but supported livelihood development; and funding was mainly through international and NGO support, rather than sale of carbon credit.
SANDEE's mission is to strengthen the capacity of individuals and institutions to undertake research on the inter-linkages among economic development, poverty, and environmental changeand to disseminate practical information that can be applied to development policies.
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