Mr. M. A. Monayem Miah
Senior Scientific Officer Agricultural Economics Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI)
Address : Joydebpur, GazipurSANDEE Publications : Miah, M. A. M. and S. M.F. Islam (2007), 'Shifting cultivation and its alternatives in Bangladesh: productivity, risk and discount rates', SANDEE Working Paper No. 24-07 Miah, M. A. M. and S. M.F. Islam (2007), 'From Slash-and-Burn to Sustainability - A Study from the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, risk and discount rates', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 24-07Other Publications : - Miah, M. A. M., Rahman, M. M, Haque, M. E. and Wohab, M. 2009. Adoption impact of conservation tillage with power tiller operated seeder in Bangladesh. The Journal of Rural Development, 36(1):1-22, January, 2009.
- Miah, M. A. M.; Hossain, T. M. B; Hossain, S.; Kadian, M. S. and Hossain, M. 2013. Farmers' perception about variety development and abiotic stresses on potato cultivation in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J. Agricultural Research, 38(3): 401-416, September, 2013.
- Miah, M. A. M. Enamul Haque, A. K. and Hossain, S. 2013. ‘Economic impact of climate change on wheat productivity in Bangladesh: A Recardian Approach'. In: Science, Policy and Politics on Modern Agricultural System: Global Context to Local Dynamics of Sustainable Agriculture. Edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Shabbir A. Shahid, and Nazia Mintz-Habib. Published by Springer Science+Business Media B.V., Dordrecht (Springer) (Book Chapter-7)
- Miah, M. A. M. and Islam, S. M. F. (2009), ‘Valuing soil conservation benefits in hill areas of Bangladesh' in Water, Agriculture, and Sustainable Well-being, Edited by Unai Pascual, Amita Shah and Jayanta Bandopadhyay, Oxford University Press, 360p. Source: (Book Chapter)
- Miah, M. A. M., Islam, S. M. F. and Haque, A. K. E (2010), ' Impact of fallow period on topsoil depth and crop productivity in shifting cultivation of Bangladesh', Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 2 (2): 44-50, 2010
- Hasan, M. K., Miah, M. A. M and Rahman, M. M. (2008), 'Influence of environmental and managerial factors on the efficiency of improved pulse production in Bangladesh', Asia Pacific Journal of Rural Development. 18 (1): 123-136), July 2008.
- R. Gilbert, G.W. Norton, J. Alwang, M. A. M Miah, and G. Feder. 2008. Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Integrated Pest Management Extension Methods: An Example from Bangladesh. Review of Agricultural Economics, 30 (2): 252-269. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9353.2008.00403.x
Current Research Area/ Interests : Production Economics Environmental Economics Impact assessment of agricultural projects/technology adoption