Mr. Muhammad Khan
Assistant Professor of Economics Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology
Address : Islamabad, PakistanSANDEE Grant Period: 01-04-2012 to 01-04-2014SANDEE Publications : Valuation of Health Cost of Dust Pollution in Textile Industry in Faisalabad (SANDEE Research Project)Other Publications : - Khan, M. (2012),'Health And Environmental Impacts Of Pesticide Use In Agriculture', British Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2012
- Khan, M. (2011),'Adverse Health Effects, Risk perception and pesticide Use Behavior', Elixir Journal of Social Sciences. 38 (2011) 4044-4048
- Khan, M., M. Iftikhar, I. Padda, N. Akram, S. Akhtar (2011),'Poverty Environment Nexus: Use of Pesticide in Cotton Zone of Punjab, Pakistan', Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 4, No. 3; June 2011, Canada
- Khan, M. (2010), 'Using Health Belief Model to Understand Pesticide Use Decision', The Pakistan Development Review 49:4 (2010) pp. 941-956
- Khan, M., Husnain, M. I., Zahid, M., Akram, W. (2013), 'Understanding Pesticide Use Safety Decision', Application of Health Behavior Theory: American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 13(4), 440-448
Current Research Area/ Interests : Environmental economics Labor economics