
Mr. Muhammad Khan

Assistant Professor of Economics
Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology

Address :

Islamabad, Pakistan

SANDEE Grant Period:

01-04-2012 to 01-04-2014

SANDEE Publications :

Valuation of Health Cost of Dust Pollution in Textile Industry in Faisalabad (SANDEE Research Project)

Other Publications :

  1. Khan, M. (2012),'Health And Environmental Impacts Of Pesticide Use In Agriculture', British Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2012
  2. Khan, M. (2011),'Adverse Health Effects, Risk perception and pesticide Use Behavior', Elixir Journal of Social Sciences. 38 (2011) 4044-4048
  3. Khan, M., M. Iftikhar, I. Padda, N. Akram, S. Akhtar (2011),'Poverty Environment Nexus: Use of Pesticide in Cotton Zone of Punjab, Pakistan', Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 4, No. 3; June 2011, Canada
  4. Khan, M. (2010), 'Using Health Belief Model to Understand Pesticide Use Decision', The Pakistan Development Review 49:4 (2010) pp. 941-956
  5. Khan, M., Husnain, M. I., Zahid, M., Akram, W. (2013), 'Understanding Pesticide Use Safety Decision', Application of Health Behavior Theory: American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 13(4), 440-448

Current Research Area/ Interests :

Environmental economics
Labor economics


Sri Lanka

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