Mr. Vijay P. Ojha
Professor Institute of Management Technology
Address : Raj Nagar Ghaziabad - 201001, IndiaSANDEE Grant Period: 05-06-2002 to 05-06-2003SANDEE Publications : - Ojha, V. P. (2005), 'Can India Afford to Tackle Global Warming? A Peek at the Year 2020', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 11-05
- Ojha, V. P. (2005), 'The Trade-Off among Carbon Emissions, Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in India', SANDEE Working Paper No. 12-05
Other Publications : - Ojha, Vijay P. (2011), 'Climate Change Mitigation Strategies in South Asia', in R. Jha (ed.), Routledge Handbook of South Asian Economics, London and New York, Routledge, 2011, pp. 309-322.
- Ojha, Vijay P. (2010), 'International Trading of Emission Rights : Its Implications for Low-Carbon Growth in India' in India Infrastructure Report, 2010 : Infrastructure Development in a Low Carbon Economy, "3i Network, New Delhi, Oxford University Press,2010, pp. 144-154.
- Ojha, Vijay P. (2009), 'Carbon Emission Reduction Strategies and Poverty Alleviation in India' , Environment and Development Economics (Cambridge University Press), vol. 14, issue 03,pp 323-348 .
Current Research Area/ Interests : Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modeling with applications in Trade Poverty, Human Capital and Climate Change