Mr. Prasenjit Sarkel
Assistant Professor University of Kalyani
Address : Kalyani, West Bengal, IndiaSANDEE Grant Period: 15-08-2006 to 15-08-2008SANDEE Publications : - Sarkhel, P. (2013), 'Examining Private Participation in Embankment Maintenance in the Indian Sundarbans', SANDEE Working Paper No. 75 - 12
- Sarkhel, P. (2013), 'Private Initiatives for Managing Embankments in the Indian Sundarbans', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 69 - 13
Other Publications : - Sarkhel, P. ( 2015), 'Flood Risks, Land Use and Private Participation in Embankment Maintenance in Indian Sundarbans', Ecological Economics 118, 272-284
doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.08.003 - Sarkhel, P., S. Banerjee and S.D. Banerjee (2015), 'Willingness to pay before and after program implementation: the case of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bally Municipality, India', Environment Development and Sustainability
doi:10.1007/s10668-015-9659-5, Print ISSN :1387-585X - Sarkhel, P., and S.D. Banerjee (2015), 'Biases and Reliability of WTP estimates from Contingent Valuation responses: A study based on Solid Waste Management services in Bally Municipality Howrah', Arthaniti, XI (1-2), 2012 published in February, 2015, ISSN 0976-7479
- Sarkhel, P., (2015), 'Who will haul the trash? Provision of Waste Management Services in Bally Municipality, Howrah', in Mahalaya Chatterjee and Anis Mukhopadhyay eds. ‘Urbanization in Howrah: A Socio Economic Perspective'. Primus Publishers New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-84082-39-0, pp 268-284
Current Research Area/ Interests : Impact Evaluation of Environmental Regulations and Mechanism design Non-market Valuation Rural Livelihood, Common Property Resource and Climate Change