Environmental Economics Networks

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1.       Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE)

Home to the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. The site contains information on jobs and graduate programs in the US and links to web- pages of several environmental economists.  View more


2.       The Latin American and Caribbean Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (ALEAR)

The Latin American and Caribbean Association of Environmental and Resource Economists - ALEAR (Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Economistas Ambientales y de Recursos Naturales) is a Non-governmental organization (NGO), that assembles institutions and professionals interested in investigation, application and disclosing of environmental and natural resource economics. View more


3.       Bangladesh Environment Network(BEN)

A useful site if you are interested in contacting professionals in Bangladesh and discussing Bangladesh related issues. View more


4.       DIVERSITAS an integrative approach to biodiversity science

DIVERSITAS brings together biological, ecological and social sciences to address four key questions that underlie our limited understanding of the current situation. 

*How did biodiversity evolve in space and time to reach current state?
* How much biodiversity exists and how does its change or loss affect the system as a whole?
* How does biodiversity correspond to the delivery of ecosystem functions and services, and what is the true value of these commodities?
* How can scientific investigation support policy and decision making to encourage more sustainable use of biodiversity? 

Please visit Diversitas home page for further details View more


5.       European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)

Founded in 1990, EAERE currently has around 500 members from Europe and beyond, from academic institutions, the public sector, and private industry. Interests range from traditional economics, agricultural economics, forestry, and natural resource schools. Through the Association's Journal, Environmental and Resource Economics (ERE), the Annual Conference, the annual Summer Schools, and affiliation with organisations in America (AERE) and Latin America (ALEAR), EAERE provides many forums for exchanging ideas relevant to the allocation and management of natural and environmental resources. View more


6.       The Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA)

EEPSEA is similar to SANDEE and supports training and research in environmental & resource economics in South East Asia. This web site offers downloadable Research reports on issues relevant to developing countries. View more


7.       Global Network for Environmental Economists (gNee)

The Global Network for Environmental Economists aims at helping researchers, policymakers, academics, environmentalists, from all countries in the world to exchange their view and information inorder to increase and share knowledge, to promote co-operation, to improve quality and effectiveness of research in environmental economics.View more


8.       International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)

The International Society for Ecological Economics facilitates understanding between Economists and ecologist and the integration of their thinking into a trans-discipline aimed at developing a sustainable world. View more


9.       Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program (LACEEP)

The Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program (LACEEP) was launched on July 1 with a grant from IDRC. The program will operate in ways similar to EEPSEA and its South Asian counterpart SANDEE, offering research awards, short courses, workshops and mentoring. View more


10.   Resource Accounting Network for Eastern and Southern Africa (RANESA)

RANESA was established in 1998 to support capacity in sustainable development planning and integrated economic and environmental management and policy design in Sub-Saharan Africa. This network is coordinated by the Center for Environmental Economics and Policy at the University of Pretoria, While the main focus of RANESA is Natural Resource Accounting, its group of environmental economists engage in a wide-range of interesting research. View more


11.   The Environment for Development Initiative

The overall objective of the EfD initiative is to support poverty alleviation and sustainable development through the increased use of environmental economics in the policy making process. The EfD initiative is a capacity building program in environmental economics, focusing on research, policy advice, and teaching in Central America, China, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania. View more




QsAn with Partha Dasgupta, PNAS

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Visualizing SANDEE's research and training activities

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#MeetTopEnvEcon - Partha Dasgupta

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